Sunrise and sunset, as well as moonrise and moonset data for various locations throughout the northeast. You can also create a calendar for your own location by entering the latitude, longitude, and time zone information. The calculator will also show you the length of the day, when the dawn will break,. Takes into account daylight saving time. This data service provides rise, set, and transit times for the sun and moon, civil twilight beginning and end times , and lunar phase information for any year between 1700 and 2100.
Shows and draws the time and direction of sunset, noon, and sunrise for a location. Generic astronomy calculator to calculate times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset for. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and sun and moon position. You can also create a calendar for your own location by entering the latitude, longitude, and time zone information. Free printable sunrise sunset calendar for north bergen, new jersey, usa.
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