What R27 said. Ronald Reagan was directly responsible for the deaths of millions by his inaction on the AIDS pandemic: all the right people were dying. His dreadful followers openly said “AIDS was the solution, not the problem.” I’d say fuck Reagan, but I wouldn’t want to get my dick dirty. Rot in hell, motherfucker. Starlet Nancy Davis Reagan. Offsite Link. by Anonymous: reply 204: February 2, 2022 6:22 PM: I agree with ... Inflation, stagnant wages, sky-high interest rates and unemployment were a big problem, which started under Nixon and carried through under Ford, Carter, and early Reagan. I've talked with my dad about this. He doesn't seem religious either. He's more into Eastern spirituality and homeopathic stuff. I think his admiration for Reagan was superficial. Reagan did represent Americana and looked like something out of a Rockwell painting. Lynch probably knew Reagan personally being the California and Hollywood connection. Reagan was more liberal in private.
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