is that a hair?? : poop

Poop Smells Like Burnt Hair

is that a hair?? : poop

Diet and intolerance can also make your poop smell burnt. Foods like cabbage or broccoli can cause this or could be. My stool occasionally smells like burnt hair, and has not been normal consistency (a yellowish/clear fluid that floats on the surface, plus the stool itself is sludgy/semisolid). Feb 21, 2024 · explore the possible causes behind bad poop odor and shed light on the significance of each scent like burnt substances such as hair, sulfur, popcorn, iron, rubber, or. In addition to the burnt.

Apr 3, 2022 · your stool smelling like burnt rubber may be an indication of an infection, disease, or malabsorption. In addition to the burnt. Diet and intolerance can also make your poop smell burnt.

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