This section provides you with timetables and fare options for nj transit trains, buses, and light rail operations. To quickly jump to your bus route, click the selector box below and type the route number. Welcome to nj transit mybus selected feed: Choose any of the 112 bus. Nj transit 112 bus route schedule and stops (updated) the 112 bus (new york) has 60 stops departing from ucts and ending at port authority bus terminal.
To view bus timetables in pdf format, select the bus route number below. Welcome to nj transit mybus selected feed: Roselle and clark step 3 Choose any of the 112 bus. Welcome to nj transit mybus selected feed: To quickly jump to your bus route, click the selector box below and type the route number. Are you ready to ride nj transit and need schedule or fare information?
To view bus timetables in pdf format, select the bus route number below. Choose any of the 112 bus.
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