So this is Lauri Markkanen we are talking about here. This isn’t some year 2 breakout, this is Lauri Markkanen. It will be a miracle if he doesn’t get hurt. Could he improve. 114 votes, 41 comments. Any news updates on Lauri? I read that he re-injured his left calf last night. Is he gonna visit a doctor today to determine… Lauri Markkanen is proving he’s the real deal with an outstanding follow-up to his breakout campaign from last year. 24-9 on .500 FG%, 3.2 3PM, 85% FT and even 1 STL per. OT: The Finnisher - Lauri Markkanen tracking thread Moderators: HomoSapien, fleet, DASMACKDOWN, GimmeDat, AshyLarrysDiaper, coldfish, RedBulls23, Payt10,. How is Lauri Markkanen looking? I actually do watch some Cavs games but for some reason Lauri doesn't stick out to me that much. How is he playing this year as a 3 in.
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