Dow Jones Today: Get all information on the Dow Jones Index including historical chart, news and constituents. Here you can find premarket quotes for relevant stock market futures (e.g. Dow Jones Futures, Nasdaq Futures and S&P 500 Futures) and world markets indices,. Contracts on the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 sank nearly 4%, while S&P 500 futures tumbled over 2%. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures fell 0.9%, or about 380 points, on the. The Dow 30 is a price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the NASDAQ. There are three types of Dow futures, the E. Dow Jones Industrial Average Futuresindex chart, prices and ... Dow Jones Industrial Average Futures + Add to watchlist + Add an alert. DJIAFP:DJI. Dow Jones.
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