To begin using your new or replacement sephora visa® credit card, activate it here using the primary cardholder's information. Pay your bill, review statements, update personal information and much more from your computer, tablet or phone when you register now. Access your sephora visa® credit card account. Access your sephora credit card account. Protecting your privacy and account security is our top priority — that's why we use the latest encryption technology to give you peace of mind while you access your account online.
Protecting your privacy and account security is our top priority — that's why we use the latest encryption technology to give you peace of mind while you access your account online. Pay your bill, review statements, update personal information and much more from your computer, tablet or phone when you register now. Sephora accounts are issued by comenity capital bank. Sephora accounts are issued by comenity capital bank. To begin using your new or replacement sephora visa® credit card, activate it here using the primary cardholder's information.
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